
Final Blog Post

 I wish I lived in a world where our phones were just for talk and text and I mean that. At the end of the first video you asked us to watch, the narrator mentioned that the advancement of technology would be an amazing thing as long as it continues to benefit humanity and is for the benefit of humanity. I genuinely believe we are beyond the point where the advancement of some technologies can be any more beneficial as much as it continues down the path of harmfulness. I truely cannot fathom a pro that outweighs the con of increased suicide rates amongst children.  Accessabililty is an amazing thing, dont get me wrong, however I think the over-accessibility to everything is leading to a lack of curiosity, engagement, and creating an entitlement in people that has never been seen before. Im old enough to remember what it was like growing up without a phone in my hand or a tablet on my lap. We had a family computer that my brother and I would play our learning games on for an hour or so

Final Presentation - Link

  I've prepared a powerpoint talk for you today link: -enjoy :)

Post 12

Post 11

Post 10 - EOTO #2

      My Group’s presentation was focused on policies that are very grey area on whether or not they are doing more good than bad or more bad than good. My specific policy that I researched was vertical integration. Vertical Integration happens when a company takes over multiple parts of the suply chain of a product. There is forward integration; When a company own a middle part of production and extends their reach forward or towards the finishing of the product, And there is backwards integration; when a company owns a middle part of production and extends their reach backwards in production in the direction of the raw goods.  It works sort of like this: Backward integration: Forward Integration:     While the above diagram is an oversimplification of how vertical integration works, you can see the general idea of it. Vertical integration is definitely a grey area policy. While it is not technically a monopoly and thus isnt prohibited by anti-trust regulation, it still has monopoly t

Post 9

Post 8 - Presentation Reflection

  One of the modern technologies that really caught my attention during the presentations was Netflix. I was old enough to have spent a large part of my childhood in and out of blockbuster. I remember when me and my brother would run up and down the isles just looking at all the movies and waiting for our dad to find a movie for us to watch that night. I also remember when our blockbuster closed and watched it tun into an Aldi's and it broke my heart. However, as an adult, I appreciate the convenience that Netflix provides as a service I pay for once a month and get unlimited streaming of whatever they have to offer. I didn't previously know that Netflix started very much so like blockbuster as an individual movie mailing service however the innovation of creating a first of its kind platform where you can stream straight from the site is stellar. They started a new market of their own, one that has recently become extremely competitive with new streaming sites popping up like