
Showing posts from March, 2021

Post 2 - History and Workings of the US Supreme Court

For this blog post, I was asked to learn and discus the inner workings of the United State Supreme Court. Before learning about this in class and now as I watch videos and read articles, I can almost say for certain that I knew next to nothing about the Supreme Court. I am aware that it is part of the judicial branch of government, that there is a Chief Justice in the Supreme Court, and that they are selective about the cases they take, however, that was about the extent of my knowledge. I can safely say that I am quite a bit more knowledgeable now.  First of all, what is the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court was created as one of the checks and balances of the government. In it's earliest stages, the Supreme Court was made up of 6 justices who served their lifetime and were generally obligated to take any case presented to them and hold circuit court twice a year.  This, however, is very different from how the supreme court works today. Today we have 9 fairly stationary Supreme Cou

Post 1 - Sources of Sources

    For my first blogger post in Media Law and Literacy, I have been asked to discuss the sources I use to stay updated on news and information; I, however, am without a consistent source that I go to for news. I like to stay true to my generations identifier and that is being a social media junky. I stay up to date on the world through social media and more specifically, via twitter . I've been called silly many a time for using an app like twitter for my news, some saying it is unprofessional other saying it is unrepeatable but I challenge that idea by simply saying: Be smart about it. I love using twitter to learn about what's going on in the world because twitter tends to have a lot less sensorship than most American new outlets. Many American news outlets don't cover international news that doesn't have some sort of relevance or connection to America. Because of that, a lot of very important stories and voices slip through the cracks. Twitter however, is an interna

About Me :)

Hiya! My name's Nic, Nice to meet you! I'm a Strategic Communications Major at High Point University, but I'm from a pretty big town in MD called Bowie, right outside of DC. I haven't figured out what my future holds yet, but I'm interested in learning about the power of media in this modern age and studying people in a cognitive and behavioral context. Outside of my classes I love being social! Whether that means hunting down the best frenchfries and ice cream places with friends, FaceTiming friends and family from back home or managing my social media, I find a lot of joy in feeling connected :) I am super excited to be taking Media Law & Literacy this semester and can't wait to be scared of the government and the internet after it.